We're delighted to present to you our latest collection of stories, 'The Encounters Edition'. We are also super delighted to be welcoming back the talented Richard Lakin, whose writing has previously featured on Platform ( The May Queen, 2019 Equinox Edition; Lizzie's Will, 2016/17; Trials, 2015 First Edition) and also welcoming Chrissie Gittins with her powerful tale 'Cuckoo Pint' and Sam Robson with 'Stalling' to the line up. We've also finally chosen our first Editor's choice item which this time dips back to the first ever edition of Platform in 2015. 'Poppet' by Jay Merril is one of our favourites and we were glad to have the opportunity to read and enjoy it again. Poppet can be accessed directly from the front page or from the writing page, where you'll also find all our previous editions which now amounts to over 70 pieces of quality fiction. We hope you enjoy these fine examples of story writing as much as we do.

As ever, we'd like to thank everyone who's emailed submissions to us and for the many messages we receive. Ideally we would be responding to everyone, but the amount of mail we receive is huge compared to the people power we have! Please don't let that stop you from contacting us or from sending us your writing if you think it might be a good fit for us. We'll let you know if we agree!
On that note, we have had a few messages saying that the Submissions page is unavailable. Using all the tech-savvy available we've had a tinker with it which we hope will solve the issue. To cover all bases, we've also added a separate post as a News item with the Submission guidelines in case the problem persists.