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The Summer Breeze is here!

Whilst the weather has become distinctly non-summer like, today is the day we launch the first of our summer edits 'The Summer Breeze'. Three thought-provoking pieces that consist of a short story, a piece of flash fiction and a poem. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

Our next edit will be ready in August when we'll feature a bumper collection of fiction, right on time for the summer holidays. We've already got a few pieces earmarked including another great story by Richard Lakin who's appeared on Platform previously once or twice..... it's certainly something to look forward to! In the meantime do keep the submissions coming ( we're open for subs all year round, see our submissions page on how to send us your best) whilst enjoying the three pieces in the current collection

(as ever, if you like what you read please do leave the author a comment!)

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